«Pull-Through» technology
The Gilbert planer runs with a gap between each piece, each piece is independently pulled into the planer. Prevents overlapping and breakage in the machine, allowing the operator to run damaged end boards with less trim loss. This technology reduces downtime and offers the highest running uptime on the market, over 95%.

Gilbert GRIP system
The GRIP System provides:
– Increased traction
– The control to decrease the gap, giving the opportunity to run more pieces at the same speeds
– The ability to adapt to variations in thickness on the fly
– Maintain a constant pressure on a piece of wood regardless of its thickness
– Run smoother and increase the life expectancy of the mechanical components (bushings, trunnions, pins)

4.0 Intelligent Planer
Gilbert offers to control many automatic functions so that the planer auto-adjusts itself and keeps it very simple for any operator to run and produce high quality grades. For more information about our 4.0 Intelligent Planer, please contact a sales representative.